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Transition (Y6 - Y7)

                   Transition from Primary to Secondary school

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to The Priory Lincoln Academy.  At the academy, we believe that a smooth, positive and exciting transition from Year 6 to Year 7 is crucial for a confident start at secondary school.  The information below aims to support you and your child through this process.


Starting at Lincoln in September

For year 7, we request that students arrive for a 8.30am start using the side entrance of the Academy; departure time will be 3.00p.m.


General Information:                                                      

Guidance on how to set up `SIMSpay`  - online payment facility

We would like to take this opportunity to explain some of our online systems and their roll out to you as parents of new students at our Academy.  Shortly we will be sending you an email with instructions and an activation code to allow you to access the Academy’s Parent App and to then move on and create an account with our online payment system SIMS Pay.

The Parent App will allow you to see your child’s timetable and will give you access to check the information we hold on our Management Information System (MIS).  The app will also allow you to quickly and easily amend contact details as they change making sure we hold the most up-to-date information should we ever need to contact you.

A Sims Pay account will allow you to pay online for school trips and visits. Communications will be sent when you sign up to the service and become part of an active group which will include notifications when trips are added and helpful reminders when payment deadlines are close.

These two separate services, can now be accessed via a single account and there is a link on the home screen of the Parent App to allow you to access any payment information on SIMS Pay.  The Parent App notification will be sent to you shortly and will contain clear guidance on what to do when you receive your activation code. 

Once access to the Parent App is set up you can link to SIMS Pay by clicking on the link on the home screen.

If you have multiple children at the Academy you will only require one account as all of the children will be linked to your single login.  Therefore for any parents who already have the app and an online Sims Pay account because they had children with us last year, any siblings who have joined us this term will automatically appear linked against these accounts in the next 24 hours.

Free School Meals 

Lincolnshire County Council’s online free school meal application service provides parents and guardians with an easy to use Parent Portal to apply for free school meals using the following link :-