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‘Building powerful knowledge to grow confident & creative global citizens.’

The science curriculum aims to embed secure and fluent scientific knowledge in the long term memory of every child. We have carefully selected and sequenced the key scientific concepts giving students the firm foundation they need to understand, explain and make predictions about the world in which they live. We ensure our students have the knowledge needed to collect, understand and evaluate scientific evidence. Our curriculum is framed within a rich history of scientific discovery so that our students can build cultural capital which enables them to participate in the national conversation of science.  We make a valuable contribution to language for learning through speaking, reading and writing well.  We build fluency in the language of science through explicit teaching of scientific vocabulary.

Our recovery curriculum supports students' academic progress by acknowledging potential missed learning opportunities, supporting student wellbeing and facilitating enrichment.  We continue to develop students resilience and sense of achievement fostering their ambition and celebrating their successes.

Our Curriculum at Lincoln Academy is adapted to ensure that all students are appropriately supported and challenged in their learning.

We are committed to ensuring that pupils with SEND can fulfil their potential and achieve their best. Differentiation is used to ensure that new learning is matched to the pupils needs while allowing all children to be stretched and challenged. The Individual Profiles and EHCP’s for SEND identify specific strategies of support and intervention to support individual learning needs. Planning and teaching is adapted so that the curriculum can meet individual learning needs so that personalised learning can take place.

To support our students with differing learning needs, students study a number of worked examples to aid understanding of problem solving in physics such as calculating kinetic energy. Partially worked examples are also provided to enable students to follow the procedure with some scaffolding.  A number of mnemonics are used in science to aid retention and recall of knowledge for example OIL RIG helps students to recall the link between oxidation and reduction with electron transfer. Consideration to planning practical lessons are given for example the level of supervision required, how to group/partner students, position in the classroom during the practical activity and providing simple planning and recording frames. Integrated instructions are shared with students for practical activities. These are a method of instruction that aims to reduce the cognitive load on students during the practical session. This is achieved by integrating simple practical diagrams, minimal textual instruction, arrows and pictograms. The integration of the diagram with the text aim to reduce split attention which is a source of extraneous cognitive load. For students with visual impairments, consideration is given to the practical equipment for example providing measuring cylinders with large-scale readings.


Year 7

Module 1 and 2

  • Forces – Students first taste of science at Lincoln Academy introduces them to a local science legend: Sir Isaac Newton! Students will be able to recall the different forces in action for a number of situations and relate this to movement. Students will gain disciplinary knowledge through the investigation of friction and air resistance.
  • States of matter – In this topic students are introduced to the three states of matter and learn about the transition between them. Students further their knowledge of the states by looking at differences in density.
  • Cells – Students learn about the building blocks of all organisms and the organelles contained within them. They understand how cells are organised into tissues, organs and systems.

 Module 3 and 4

  • Energy – Students learn about how energy is stored and transferred. They learn about the fundamental law of physics: the conservation of energy. Through investigation of fuels students will further build on their disciplinary knowledge.
  • Waves – In this topic students relate their knowledge of energy to its transfer by waves. Through a focus on light, students investigate how the passage of a wave can be altered in different densities linking back to states of matter.
  • Interdependence – Students link their knowledge of energy to how this is transferred in an ecosystem. They learn how changes within an ecosystem can affect population numbers through data and graph analysis. During this topic students also explore the human impact on ecosystems including fishing and plastic pollution.

Module 5 and 6

  • Periodic table & the atom – Students learn about one of the most important tools in the history of chemistry. They hear about the key scientist behind its development and gain understanding of its importance. During this topic students are also introduced to the building block of all matter – the atom. 
  • Electricity – Students link their knowledge of the atom to how the movement of charge leads to an electrical current and the transfer of energy. During this topic students learn how to build various circuits to explore electrical current and potential difference in series and parallel circuits.
  • Acids and Alkalis – In this topic students are introduced to the pH scale. They learn how to identify the pH of different substances and what happens when an acid and alkali are reacted. Through investigation of indicators students appreciate the difference between hazards and risks in practical investigations and how to mediate them.

Year 8

Module 1 and 2

  • Reproduction – Students learn about the male and female reproductive system. This is an opportunity for students to link their knowledge of cells from Year 7 to the specialised cells connected to this system.
  • Elements, mixtures, compounds and separating techniques – Students continue to build on their knowledge of matter in this topic. Students learn how to identify elements and compounds in images and chemical formulae. Basic separation techniques such as filtration, distillation and chromatography are also explored providing students the opportunity to interact practically with the content and further develop their disciplinary knowledge. .
  • Chemical reactions – Now students have a firm understanding of matter and how to work scientifically, students are introduced to a number of key chemical reactions including combustion and exothermic and endothermic reactions. Through this topic students are taught to describe reactions using word equations, naming patterns in reactants and the law of conservation in mass. They also build on their prior knowledge of neutralisation to appreciate the changes in products when different acids and alkalis are involved. 

Module 3 and 4

  • Biological reactions and the movement of molecules – Students build on their knowledge of chemical reactions to explore two particular reactions in the body – respiration and photosynthesis. Through their understanding of cell structure and states of matter from Year 7 they explore how the different molecules involved in these reactions are transported into the body.
  • Generating electricity – Using their knowledge of electrical circuits, energy and chemical reactions students gain an appreciation of how their electrical energy is generated. This topic allows students to not only appreciate the different resources used to generate electricity but the impact these may have on our environment.
  • Body systems – Students learn about three key systems in this topic – digestive, respiratory and circulatory. Building on their growing knowledge of cell structure, students learn about a variety of specialised cells involved in each system. This topic also allows students to consider how the different adaptations within the systems enable the efficient movement of molecules as explored at the start of Module 3.

Module 5 and 6

  • Motion – During this topic students learn how to calculate speed and acceleration. They build on their growing knowledge of data analysis using graphs to describe motion.
  • DNA, variation and evolution – Students learn about the instructions for life: DNA. During our teaching of the structure of DNA, we hear about the scientists involved in this key discovery. Variation in our DNA leads on to students learning about Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. We discuss Darwin’s travels in the Galapagos and how his studies of the local finches shaped our understanding of evolution. Students finish this topic looking at genetic diagrams and punnet squares to predict inheritance of genes.
  • Reactivity – Students continue to explore chemical reactions and learn about an array of reactions including: combustion, thermal decomposition, redox reactions, displacement reactions, reactions of metals and reactions of acids and alkalis. They further link these ideas to the periodic table.
  • Space – For their final topic of the year students discover our place in the universe though a number of exciting questions including; What is the Universe, how big is it and where do we fit? What is in a solar system? Why do we have day and night? Why do we have different seasons? The year culminates in a trip to the National Space centre where our students can further explore this topic.

Year 9

Module 1 and 2

  • Key concepts of biology – Students build on their foundation knowledge of cells and movement of molecules within the body. This topic features the role of enzymes as biological catalysts and a key practical investigation looking at osmosis in plants.
  • States of matter and separating techniques – Students recap and build on their knowledge from Year 8 on how to use separating techniques with explaining how they work to separate mixtures.
  • Atomic structure and the periodic table – Students continue to build on their prior knowledge of the atom and explore the rich history behind how we came to our current understanding of its structure. During this topic students continue to learn how they can utilise their periodic table to provide information on the different elements and their atomic structures.

Module 3 and 4

  • Waves – Building on their current knowledge of waves as a transfer of energy, students consider this transfer though different states. In this topic students measure the different properties of waves in a solid and in water. They use this information to then calculate the speed of the wave.
  • Cells and control – This topic looks at how cells divide to allow for growth and repair. Student use their prior knowledge of DNA to appreciate how these cells are all genetically the same. This topic also introduces stem cells and their role in medicine.
  • Energy - Students recap on their knowledge of the stores and pathways and continue to build on this through linking to energy transfers in the home. Students also consider how these energy transfers are not efficient and how they can calculate the efficiency using an equation. To finish students review their knowledge of renewable and non-renewable resources and through data consider how our use of them has changed over time.

Module 5 and 6

  • Rates of reaction – From Year 7 and Year 8 students will have a firm foundation of knowledge on how to represent and explore chemical reactions. During this topic students will learn why there are differences in rates of reaction and relate this to practical investigations.
  • Light and the electromagnetic spectrum – Building on their current knowledge of waves students are introduced to the electromagnetic spectrum. During this topic students learn about the different groupings in terms of their uses and associated dangers
  • Health and disease – This topic explores the microorganisms involved in transferring disease and how our body responds to this invasion. Students learn about a variety of diseases and the physical and chemical ways in which our body defends itself.
  • Fuels – Following on from the generating electricity topic, and through the use of their prior knowledge on chemical reactions, students will further explore the non-renewable resources we use daily from crude oil. They will understand how these resources are separated from crude oil, their differences in properties and their impact on the environment.

Year 10 and 11

Edexcel GCSE Combined Science

Separate science:

Edexcel GCSE Biology

Edexcel GCSE Chemistry

Edexcel GCSE Physics

Year 12 - 13.  Edexcel Extended Certificate in Applied Science

The Applied Science course consists of a mixture of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. These are studied across 4 separate units. Units are assessed using a grading scale of Distinction, Merit, Pass and Unclassified. All mandatory and optional units contribute proportionately to the overall qualification grade attained by the student.

UNIT 1 - This unit has an external written examination and covers some of the key science concepts in biology, chemistry and physics. This unit includes:

• periodicity and properties of elements

• production and uses of substances in relation to properties

• structure and functions of cells and tissues

• cell specialisation

• tissue structure and function

• waves in communication

UNIT 2 - This is an internally assessed unit.

Students are introduced to quantitative laboratory techniques, calibration, chromatography, calorimetry and laboratory safety which are relevant to the chemical and life science industries. This unit includes:

• titration and colorimetry to determine the concentration of solutions

• calorimetry to study cooling curves

• chromatographic techniques to identify components in mixtures

• self-evaluation related to the development of scientific skills for laboratory work.

UNIT 3 - This unit has external practical and written examination elements.

The unit covers the stages involved and the skills needed in planning a scientific investigation: how to record, interpret, draw scientific conclusions and evaluate. This unit includes:

• planning a scientific investigation

• data collection, processing and analysis/interpretation

• drawing conclusions and evaluation

• enzymes in action

• diffusion of molecules

• plants and their environment

• energy content of fuels

• electrical circuits

UNIT 12 – This is an internally assessed optional unit.

The students will gain understanding of five types of diseases, their causes and how humans try to prevent and treat them. This unit includes:

• pathogens and infectious diseases

• dietary and environmental diseases

• genetic and degenerative disease

• progression of disease over time

• methods by which infectious diseases can be spread

• methods by which infectious diseases can be prevented from spreading

• management of infectious diseases

• methods of treatment

• access to and acceptance of treatment

• body defence mechanisms

Year 12 - 13.  A Level Sciences (studied at LSST as part of the joint 6th form provision)


Biology is an ideal choice for students who have an interest in and curiosity about the living world and how organisms work. The course builds upon the concepts and skills that were developed at GCSE. Students will have the opportunity to study many different disciplines in Biology – biochemistry, cellular biology, physiology, ecology, diversity, genetics, variation, evolution and classification. Practical work forms an important part of the course. Lessons will allow students to work both independently as well as part of a team. In assignments students will be able to carry out analysis on recent developments in Biology, such as genetic applications or fertility treatments. Students are encouraged to work in a synoptic manner, bringing together differing aspects of Biology to give a holistic answer to problems posed.

Topics to include:

1. Biological molecules

2. Cells

3. Organisms exchange substances with their environment

4. Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms

5. Energy transfers in and between organisms

6. Organisms respond to change in their internal and external environments

7. Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems

8. The control of gene expression


The course is tailored to follow on from GCSE Science, developing knowledge and understanding to provide a pathway to further study in many areas.

The following topics are studied and will be examined:

• Atomic structure; amount of substance; bonding; energetics; kinetics; equilibria and Le Chatelier’s principle; REDOX; periodicity; Group II Metals; the Halogens; introduction to organic chemistry; alkanes; haloalkanes; alkenes; alcohols; organic analysis. In Year 13, the following topics are further studied:

• Thermodynamics; rate equations, equilibrium constant, kc; electrode potentials; acids and bases; properties of the Period 3 elements and their oxides; transition metals; reactions of ions in aqueous solution; optical isomerism, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives; aromatics; amines; polymers; amino acids; organic synthesis; nuclear magnetic resonance and chromatography.

There are a minimum of 12 practical exercises that must be carried out during the course and these will be examined in the three end of course examinations.


The AQA A Level Physics course follows a linear model which means that all assessments are taken at the end of Year 13.

The course is split into 8 core sections which are:

1. Measurements and their errors

2. Particles and radiation

3. Waves

4. Mechanics and materials

5. Electricity

6. Further mechanics and thermal physics

7. Fields and their consequences

8. Nuclear Physics

9. Engineering Physics