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Lincoln Academy Local Governing Body (LGB)

The Priory Lincoln Academy Local Governing Body comprises:

Mr Colin Parkin (Chair)
Mr Scott Bainbridge
Mrs Lynda Turton
Mr Simon Curtis
Miss Emma Jorden
Ms Julie Woodward
Mr Martin Whitaker (Headteacher)

Each member of the LGB has a specific focus: Leadership and Management, Quality of Education or Personal Development, Behaviour and attitudes and Safeguarding.  They are linked to the members of the senior leadership team with specific responsibility for these areas.

The Priory Lincoln Academy Link Governor Structure


Maximising Performance

Finance and General Purpose  Effectiveness of leadership and management

Maximising Effectiveness, Learning and Achievement

Quality of Education



Maximising Values

Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development (Safeguarding, Careers and SEND)

Academy Disciplinary and Appeals Committee

(as required)

Governors (Lead in bold)

Mr Colin Parkin

(Mr Martin Whitaker)

Mr Scott Bainbridge

(Mrs Claire Wilkinson)


Mrs Lynda Turton (Safeguarding)

(Mrs Claire Bramwell Smith) 



Mrs L Turton

Mr Scott Bainbridge

Mrs S Hobson

SLT member

Mr M Whitaker


Mrs C Hickin

Miss C Hinch

Mrs C Bramwell Smith

Miss Emma Jorden

Mr M Whitaker

Invited members

Mrs S Lowe




To contact any member of the Governing Committee, please email the Clerk, Mrs Lisa Hodgson: