Visit to Houses of Parliament

Priory City of Lincoln students quiz local MP
The staff and students enjoyed a guided tour of Parliament 47 staff and students from The Priory City of Lincoln Academy were invited by local MP K McCartney to tour the birth place of democracy and experience a real Q and A session in a committee room.
The staff and students enjoyed a guided tour of Parliament, speaking in committee room 20 Karl answered questions on luxury items, electoral systems, the EU, Syria, FIFA corruption, voting ages and the whip system all posed by sixth form students.
Student reactions
“Firstly I’d like to thank you for the opportunity as I thoroughly enjoyed it. The experience itself was very eye opening and helped me gain a huge amount of knowledge on how the system operates within parliament from hearing different issues within the country to actually producing a finalised bill. Overall I thought it was interesting to see parliament from the inside and I would highly recommend it to anyone if this opportunity was to arise again.”
“The parliament trip was very interesting and a great experience, the tour was very intriguing and the stories we were told about the building and things that had happened in the building were interesting, it was great to see where the decisions were made and how it all works, it was such a great experience to observe an actual debate even though it wasn’t for long it was still an experience I would recommend. The interview with Karl was fascinating and it got everyone intrigued, it was amazing to see how a MP actually works and his views on certain topics that were brought up. Overall I would recommend the trip and wouldn’t hesitate to go again.”
“The trip to parliament was very informative and I learnt a lot about the history of the building. I now understand how things work inside parliament such as how the MP’s go about their business. The Trip gave everyone an insight into how much we should value and learn about the historic landmark.”
The Priory City of Lincoln plan to make this an annual event.