Student Wellbeing

Children's Mental Health Week
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and during lockdown our mental health is more important than ever. The staff at Priory Lincoln are on hand to help you so please reach out if you need any support.
There are also lots of free resources online for you to access. Thank you to Mr Perkins and Miss Cass for providing me with the links below.
We hope you find some of the links useful and please find someone you can trust to talk to when you need support.
Best Wishes,
From the Pastoral Staff
- Flourish - Jo is really good. Flourish - YouTube
- Young minds are useful Supporting your child during the coronavirus pandemic (
There is a longer assembly here from Oak Academy. Link below:
Useful Organisatons
Text 85258
Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.
Shout is powered by a team of volunteers, who are at the heart of the service. We take people from crisis to calm every single day.
Young is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. They also help by empowering their parents and carers.
Kooth provides free online support for young people delivered by qualified counsellors via chat based services.
ChildLine is a counselling service for parents, children and young people.
If you're going through a difficult time or are struggling with how you're feeling, it can be really scary and upsetting. We're here to help you understand you're not alone and to help you find the support you deserve.
Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Every six seconds, we respond to a call for help. No judgement. No pressure. We're here for anyone who needs someone.
Useful Apps
Dragon in the Attic (for children)
Dragon in the Attic is a mental health app centred on anti-bullying ideas. It is a fun, re-playable, game for 8 - 12 year old boys and girls about health and wellbeing choices which give players greater awareness and confidence, by getting kids to look after a dragon in an attic.
For Me
For Me' is the iOS app that puts Childline in your pocket. It's free, it's secure and it's designed by young people for young people.
Meditation has been shown to help people stress less, focus more and even sleep better. Headspace is meditation made simple. We'll teach you the life-changing skills of meditation and mindfulness in just a few minutes a day.
Moodometer / Moodpanda / Moodscope
Interactive mood diaries for monitoring and understanding emotional wellbeing. Recording emotions and feelings can be very helpful for young people to understand themselves and help change behaviours to improve their mental health.
Stressheads turns your phone into a stress killing machine! Simply hatch a Stresshead (from a stress egg… obviously), and take the strains of life out on your very own pet peeve. Chuck them around, rough them up – and eventually impale them on a MASSIVE SPIKE (ah…that’s better). And all the while, you can access some great advice – helping you deal with all kinds of life stress, from exam pressure to money problems.
Smiling Mind
Smiling Mind is a unique tool developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to your life.
StepFinder pin-points your nearest local support service and shows you how to get there using your phone. It shows you tips and recommendations from other young people so you know what to expect when you use a service for the first time.