
The Importance of Home Work
We want to ensure that you aware of the importance of Home Work (HW) and its value in improving the life chances of all our students. According to the Education Endowment Foundation the impact of homework, on average over a year, can be up to five months' additional progress. Our children have missed months of valuable learning time in school due to the Covid 19 pandemic and more than ever completing HW is of vital importance.
If you haven’t yet used or downloaded the Class Charts application I urge you to do this.
We used Class Charts in lockdown as a way for teachers to set Home Learning and we will continue to use this application in order for teachers to set HW for our students. Class Charts can be accessed on a mobile phone or a computer. The intended use of Class Charts is to improve communication with parents regarding HW and support students with organisation. Most importantly it allows you to see the HW that has been set for your child and if your child misses any deadlines. To improve our communication further with parents we will also be sending HW reminders and updates via texts and emails home.
Students have been given guidance regarding the use of Class Charts and issued with their student log in code and password. Form tutors have a copy of this information. However, you can also get this information via Telephone: +44 (0)1522 882800 or Email: generalenquiries@priorycity.co.uk.