Stage and Screen 2019

Fantastic Performances by students at the Academy
On Wednesday 4th December the Lincoln Academy hosted Stage & Screen 2019. The evening saw many fantastic performances from all sorts of musicals, plays and film. Highlights included Kiara Valentin-Wilkinson singing With You from the musical Ghost. It was a truly emotional performance which moved the audience to tears. Hollie Collingwood performed a fantastic version of Someone gets hurt from Mean Girls the musical. In complete contrast, Thriller, was another captivating performance which saw Zombies breaking the fourth wall and entering the audience to give them a fright.
The entire cast and crew worked incredibly hard to put together Stage & Screen 2019. Will Hunter (Year 10) programmed and operated the lighting along with his team which included students from Year 7-11. Joe Bainbridge (Year 7) took on the enormous job of playing all of the music and sound effects. Lots of the routines were choreographed by the students themselves and back stage was organised beautifully by three of our sixth form students.
If you think you’d like to have a go at performing or helping backstage please see Mrs Jackson for details of our next production.