GCSE Results Day

Celebrating students
Science and the Arts on the increase at Lincoln Academy!
Students at The Priory City of Lincoln Academy sitting their GCSE examinations in June 2019 have proved that hard work pays off. The Academy has embraced the new suite of GCSEs and vocational courses which has resulted in some truly outstanding results for our students.
Yet again progress and attainment have risen across the vast majority of subjects with most noticeable achievements in GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Art and Music, where an increasing number of students have achieved both top and pass grades. Students taking vocational subjects continue to flourish at Lincoln Academy with Health and Social Care, Business, Hospitality and Engineering at the forefront of grades nationally. English and Maths continue to achieve well, with amazing improvements in English Literature grades this year.
The following students gained some incredible marks:
Top achieving student Phoebe Smith will receive the highest grades across the board in the Academy upon her return to the UK after a well-deserved break from her studies on a tour of the USA.
Sandra Popescu: Grade 9 in: English Literature, Biology, Chemistry, History, Art, Religion and Ethics, Grade 8 in: Mathematics, Geography, and Physics, Grade 6 in English Language.
Yuxing Weng: Grade 9 in: Biology, Chemistry, and Geography, Grade 8 in: Mathematics, Physics, Drama, Religion and Ethics, Grade 7 in: English Literature and English Language and a Merit in Information Technology.
Molly Banks: Grade 9-8 in Combined Science, Distinction* in Sports Studies and Health and Social Care, Grade 8 in: Mathematics, Dance and English Literature, Grade 7 in History and Grade 6 in English Language.
And also Lily Gavin, Bethany Paterson, Georgia McCarter, Harley Flannery, Erika Foster, Jack O’Hara, Lucy Frow, William Langcaster, Skye Kelham, Ellie Clydesdale, Alisha Ortmann, Abdul Basit all achieved outstanding sets of results ranging from 5-9. A huge well done to all students.
Headteacher Mr Trow says, ‘At the heart of our amazing Academy are fantastic students and staff, all of whom have worked hard and kept going this year. I could not be prouder of them. They have looked after each other and shown real grit in the face of the new, more demanding, GCSEs. We look forward to seeing what else they can achieve over the coming years.’